What to Expect in a Reiki Session

Hi, welcome! Are you interested in some guidance through Reiki and energy work or breathwork? These healing modalities offer a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits, and are growing in popularity each year. Today, I go over what to expect in a Reiki session and answer some frequently asked questions about Reiki. I’ll paint a preview to guide you in.

What to Expect During an In-Person Reiki Session

Step 1: We Get to Know One Another

Here’s what you can expect during an in-person Reiki session with me at The Mindful Bird. The session will take place at the studio located in the Capitol Hill Healing Center in Denver, CO. You’ll get settled in and we’ll begin by getting to know each other.

Step 2: I Create a Safe and Inviting Space for you to Be Held and Heal

It is my main goal to create a warm and safe atmosphere for you to feel held. I’ll do some in-take asking you a few questions about what’s currently going on in your life, how you're feeling, and how you see it changing. I want to get a good idea of your goals to help guide you toward gaining a sense of fulfillment in your worth and deservingness to create the life you desire.

Step 3: You Make Yourself Comfortable on the Reiki Table

Once I feel I’ve got a good idea of your energy, you’ll be invited to get on the table. You’ll be fully clothed and nestled into our soft and silky sheets.

Step 4: You Will Be Guided Through a Visual Meditation and Then Receive Reiki

From there you’ll be guided through a mindful visual meditation that melts into the Reiki and Energywork portion. You can expect to be on the table for 45 minutes to an hour. It’s the deep rest you didn’t know you needed. 

Step 5: You’re Given Space to Rest and Integrate

After the main portion of the session, you're gently invited to take the time you need to rise from your rest. We’ll gather back in our seats and you’ll get a breakdown of the most vital components of how your body and nervous system are processing energy or emotions. This is the most unique facet of the experience as I have been considered an empathic and sensitive being since childhood in addition to my spiritual training over the last 10 years with my mentor.

What Might You Experience During a Reiki Session?

You may experience the following during a Reiki and energy therapy session:

  • Hot or cold sensations

  • Tingling

  • Involuntary muscle movements

  • Light pressure

  • Visceral movement in the body

  • Emotional uprising or release

  • Visuals of colors, symbols, memories, or loved ones

  • Coming in and out of conscious awareness

These are normal as you’re in a deeply relaxed state where the thinking mind tends to quiet as deeper awareness emerges. You may even fall asleep a little, and that’s great as it's the rest your body really needs. In this restful state, the body can move into its innate healing process similar to the benefits you get when you sleep.

What To Expect During a Long-Distance Reiki Session

Have you ever thought of someone and then they call you? That’s like distance energy healing. Energy can be sent anywhere in the world at any time. Remember that Reiki is a high vibrational healing energy that is meant to support your best and highest good. The effects are slightly lighter than if you were in-person but they can be similarly beneficial!

This session relies heavily on the intention between the client and the practitioner. You may notice the Reiki energy or the shifts from the energy as we begin and maybe even a change in sensation as it ends. 

Step 1: We Hop on a Video Call to Discuss Intentions

We’ll hop on a video call to be virtually face-to-face and discuss your intention.

Step 2: I Help You Set Up for the Session

From there we hang up the call and you’ll be provided with our signature 432 Hz frequency tunes to help guide the session.

Step 3: You Receive Reiki

Step 4: We Meet Back on Video for Additional Support

Once the energy portion is over, you may intuitively notice a shift in energy or wake-up on your own, but I’ll give you a little text buzz to let you know. We’ll meet back on a video call and you’ll get a breakdown of your energy and how to support your integration over the next few days. 

In-Person Reiki Versus Long-Distance Reiki: Which One Should You Choose?

To determine which Reiki session would be best for you, I suggest beginning with an initial assessment here at The Mindful Bird. This session helps lay the groundwork through an in-take process. It’s an opportunity to sense into your body’s natural rhythms with any long standing patterns that are ready to be released.

From this point, we can track any changes or persistent issues over time. A single session is supportive to the releases you’ve been seeking, however, deeply held patterns in the physical, energetic, or emotional body may require multiple sessions. This is because these forms of energy are interconnected and shift at a rate that feels safe to your unique patterning. Overtime, these patterns have a great opportunity to shift and this is where we see great results.

From this point, I will recommend a sequence of sessions that seem most fitting based on the initial assessment. 

What If I’m Unsure About Reiki?

That’s great, we honor where you are and your approach to your healing. In this case, it’s safe to book a drop-in session or a traditional Reiki session so you can get tailored support in person.

Be sure to get in touch with us online if you have any additional questions about Reiki or would like to schedule a session in person or long-distance.


What Is Reiki and Energy Therapy?