What Is Reiki and Energy Therapy?

The healing of hands is an ancient practice of supporting the body’s innate ability to heal. 

Where attention goes, energy flows.

When we focus our attention to an area in our body through touch, we can bring additional warmth and therefore increased blood flow to this area. An increase of blood flow is an increase of cells, and the increase of cells is an increase of energy that takes place within cells and in the environment around them. This natural flow of energy is considered life-force energy and it exists within and all around us, in everything that has a molecular makeup.

What Does Reiki Mean?

Reiki is a Japanese coined term where “Rei” translates to miraculous/spiritual and “ki” means energy. Reiki energy is not just any form of life-force energy as life-force energy can accumulate in high and low frequencies. Reiki is a loving, soft, high-vibrational energy that increases frequencies to permit a natural flow. Reiki and many eastern energy practices stem from Buddhist perspectives that the natural environments within us are connected to the natural environments around us. We are innately connected to all of life.

Reiki is a loving and healing energy that the provider becomes attuned to through introduction and practice. The flow of energy comes through the crown at the top of the provider's head, through the arms, and into the palm of the provider's hands where this energy is then shared with the receiver. 

What Is a Reiki Treatment?

A Reiki treatment is a modality that promotes the body’s natural ability to come into a relaxed, meditative state. In this state, your cognitive mind can become the witness, slow down, and process calmly in order to release stored tension or energy of the mind or in the body.

The storage of this energy accumulates throughout life from prolonged emotional, psychological, and physical trauma or stress. These experiences may leave our authentic, innate life-force to be suppressed or conditioned into something less than who we feel we truly are. It is believed that through the nervous these experiences manifest into anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, gastro-intestinal issues, hormonal imbalances, feelings of incompletion, unworthiness, or fear of being ourselves.

How The Mindful Bird Specializes in Reiki

At The Mindful Bird, we are known for our option to take a more advanced approach to hands-on healing to guide you toward your center and overall wellness. We fully support your session with relaxing meditations, Reiki, breathing techniques, and our unmatched skills to assess your body’s energy. Most sessions offer integrated tools to support additional energy movement for release and restoration within the mind-body connection.

The Mindful Bird provides in-depth detailed notes with reflections of your energy and mindfulness embodiment techniques tailored to support your post-session integration. You will leave each session with a greater sense of self: feeling grounded, clear, and centered in making supportive change in the relationship you have with your mind, body, spirit and various environments.

After serving over 1,500 sessions in the last three years, Erin has come to understand the importance of Reiki’s benefits and has seen great, easeful change in clients in short and longer periods of time. The Mindful Brid provides a safe space for individuals to release repressed feelings that cause us to feel even more vulnerable to external stress supporting the layers that have build on the root cause or issue. We further support individuals through mindfulness guidance and tangible action to implement these needs and desires in order to achieve sensations of wholeness, completion, and aligned achievable stepping stones.

What Does a Reiki Session Look and Feel Like?

A Reiki session can either be in person or online via long-distance Reiki. The placement of the hands on the body through Reiki, supports awareness in each area encouraging relaxation, releasing tension, and intentional breathing.

Heat from the practitioner's hands can transfer molecular exchange through thermal energy changes to increase blood and cellular flow of energy and therefore increase the ability for the body to self-heal as a part of its intellectual innate process.

Why Would You Want to Do Reiki?

Clients use Reiki to release the chaos of energy around them, to come back to the center of who they are, and make decisions based on their boundaries and values that feel supportive to bridging the gap between their current perspective and the sensation of their higher, most whole sense of self. 

Clients claim to feel deeper connections to themselves, to the world around them, a sensation of belonging to something greater beyond themselves. Clients also see a reduction in stress, anxiety, and mental chatter. 

Reiki with Energy Therapy

Energy therapy is considered a complementary and alternative modality that provides therapeutic support to the mind-body connection based on energy systems in the body. Therapeutic energy technique is an intuitive process and goes beyond the simple placement of hands on or above the body. This process uses tools and techniques to work with the energy for further support to release, shift, or attain energy. Additional energy techniques used at The Mindful Bird include: energy readings, pressure points, reflexology points, clearing, moving, or assisting energy releases in the somatic body, and breathwork techniques. 

In various therapeutic forms of energy healing, we find correlations of psycho-somatic sensations to different meanings of energy that begin to store in the body.

Consider Reiki for long-term healing

Our clients have seen the most improvements over time in finding resolutions to their chief complaints from their first session. 

We also suggest Reiki and Energy Therapy for monthly maintenance to continue working with the patterns of your energy to create balance and have long-term support.

Looking for a budget friendly option?

We recommend Traditional Reiki twice a month to support physical disease healing in conjunction with your medical provider.



What to Expect in a Reiki Session


What Is Breath Work?